Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today I’d like to talk a little bit about our new President. Now let me premise this by stating that I am not a right wing version of all those fools who pranced around in their “Not my President” tee shirts while Bush was in office (there will be more about idiots and their tee shirts later). I have the utmost respect for the office of the Presidency and the man that currently occupies it. I do however have some serious concerns about his cabinet and his first set of executive orders as it pertains to national security.

President Obama is doing everything he can to dismantle all of President Bush’s anti-terror measures. This includes closing Gitmo with no real plan of how to deal with the dangerous detainees that inhabit it, ending the wiretapping program that the FISA court okayed and the congress knew about despite some recent amnesia, and forcing all military and intelligence personnel to operate under the confines of the Army Field Manual when conducting interrogations. Add to this that the new head of the CIA has zero experience in the intelligence field, and that the new Secretary of Homeland Security has vetoed numerous bills while Governor of Arizona that where designed to impede the immense tide of illegal immigration, and I start to get a little worried.

Now I’m a simple man, so let’s see if I can sum this up in simple terms:
- If the United States of America is not going to aggressively pursue information about impending terrorist plots are we more likely or less likely to learn about an attack early enough to stop it? Now I‘m no Harvard grad, but a blind toad that‘s been lobotomized should be able to figure this one out.
- If the US is going to close Gitmo, bring the terrorists here because no other country wants them, and end up trying terrorists in civilian courts (which really means letting them go and return to the battle because no prosecutor will ever be able to get the testimonies and evidence needed given the circumstances) are we more likely or less likely to shave down the number of active terrorists? Again, I’m no genius, but this is one those where everyone should have hit their buzzer early.
- If those in charge of our Homeland Security have no interest in securing our borders (that doesn’t mean no immigration, it means ending the chaos and knowing who’s here) while those in charge of intelligence gathering and detention are rendered completely impotent, are we more likely or less likely to have terrorists successfully operating here on our own soil? Certainly even those amongst us who dine on road kill could answer this last one with confidence.

It seems clear to me (and probably everyone else who isn’t a hardcore liberal) that these actions that have been taken by President Obama leave civilians more vulnerable here and abroad, and put our deployed military forces at greater risk. I hope and pray that I am wrong in my assessment, but that darling rascal called common sense just won’t stop nagging me on this one. Some folks say that the people who are happy about all these changes will only be woken up to the reality of the dangers we face if we’re attacked again. I really hope that’s not true. But if it is, I think that it would be a great travesty and a failure of Government to let some people drown in order to prove unequivocally that the boat needed sonar and life jackets.

Friday, January 23, 2009

First Post Ever

I would like to start this blog site off by explaining a little bit about why I’m doing this and who I am.

I’m not a big fan of blogs myself. The way I see it, you get two types of readers. One is the kind of person who likes to read what like-minded people have to say in an effort to feel that their own opinions are validated. Then there’s the other kind of blog reader who likes to read the views of people who feel the polar opposite of them. These folks enjoy the sensation of getting frazzled by those who they disagree with. They often post angry responses that are riddled with poor grammar and spelling (after all, they’re too heated after reading the latest post to read and edit their own response before hitting send). This second group also tends to use language and tones that denote a sense of arrogance, as if the real message in every response is meant to be, “you would think that, you ignorant slob.” I for one will welcome with open arms both types of readers. In reality, this being my first foray into the blogosphere, I’d settle for any readers.

So if I don’t have a real high opinion of blogs, why am I doing this? That’s an easy one. Like many Americans I get quite frustrated by the news and opinions that I see on the TV, hear on the radio, and read online and in the papers. When I get amped up enough over an issue or two, I blow my top and begin venting the nearest individual that will humor me. It has come to a point in where many of those individuals are either sick of hearing it or have started to think that I have anger management and impulse control issues. So, I thought using this blog to rant might be cathartic for me while giving the people in my life that I usually vent to some reprieve. Also, I think it’ll be fun to see if I can rile up any of those type two blog readers I was talking about before.

Now let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m a middle class Caucasian male in my late twenties. I’m pretty sure that makes me a member of a key demographic for advertisers. Unfortunately, it also means that my opinions on race, poverty, health care, and probably a number of other issues will be considered invalid by the liberals unless I parrot their views. I am of Jewish descent, but despite the fact that I do not actively practice any religion, my respect for Israel and my inability to turn a blind eye to Islamic terrorism is likely to be deemed questionable by the left. My politics are pretty conservative, but I am not a republican. I am somewhat traditional in my values, but I am far from puritanical, or even pure for that matter. All in all I think I’m a common sense guy that needs to get things off his chest on a regular basis. If I can make some people feel vindicated about their own views in the process then that’s great. If I can stir the pot and get some people fired up for debate then that’s wonderful too. Lastly, I hope no matter what your views are, that you’ll get at least one chuckle out of every post.

Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for a post that actually has some decent content.